Web Address is the unique name for identifying a website on internet. On internet, there are numerous web sites; it is only with the help of web address, that we can find a particular web site. Text based addressing system on internet is called Domain Name System (DNS). In this system, each website has a unique name such as: orcale.com, cbse.nic.in, etc.
That last three letters of the web address is known as Top Level Domain (TLD) that provides information about the root of the domain for the type of organization to which the address belongs to. It is alphabetical and helps to identify an address in Domain Name System.
Some common Top Level Domains are:
Abbreviations Used To Denote
.com Commercial Firms
.edu Universities/Educational Firms
.gov Government Bodies/Organisations
.mil Military Organizations
.net ISP'S/Network
.org Non-Government/Non-Profit Organizations
.co National & Multinational Companies
.int International Organizations
In DNS, code of country can also be included. The code comprises of two letters. Some common codes of certain countries are:
Code Denotes the country
.in India
.us United States of America
.jp Japan
.fr France
.au Australia
.uk United kingdom
.nz New Zealand
This is the example of web address and domain name system:
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