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Programming In Python | What is Python language ?

 We need to give instruction to the computer, to begin the process of solving problems or to accomplish certain tasks. A set of predefined instructions in logical manner makes up a program.


One of the most important aspect of computer field is to make 'Programs'. A program is written in a computer language, like BASIC, 'C', 'C++', Python, etc. A computer language consists of codes which are combined in accordance with a predefined syntax. that conveys the instruction to the components (ALU) of CPU.

In this section, I am discuss about how to solve problems by developing simple programs with the help of the computer language; 'Python'

What is Python ? 
Python is saved by .py extension

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. This language Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Python is a very simple and powerful language. It helps to create programs in computer.


Python has involved into a useful language as it is simple and is being used in many fields such as in Robotics, Scientific Purposes (Used by NASA), Search Engines (Google), YouTube, Hardware Testing (Being used by Intel, Cisco, HP, etc.), GUI Interface (Popularly used in GIMP), 3D Animation (Maya) etc.

Features of Python Programming Language:

  • The keywords of python are in simple English.
  • Python library is portable and compatible with all types of Operating System hence it is known as platform independent programming language.
  • Python is an interpreted language i.e. Python interprets and executes the code, line by line. This also makes Python easy to debug.
  • It can be easily intergrated with C,C++, Java, etc.

Character Set of Python

Character set in Python consists of valid characters such as alphabets, digits or special characters that are recognized by the library of Python Language.

Alphabets                 A,B......,Y,Z or a,b......,y,z
Digits                        0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Special characters    ~!@#$%^&*()_-+=|\{}[]:;"'<>,.?/,<<,>>
White space              Blank space, Horizontal tab, New line, etc.

Keywords in Python

There are 33 keywords in Python which are:
  • false
  • return
  • else
  • lambda
  • yield
  • from
  • def
  • none
  • import
  • is 
  • with
  • break
  • or
  • if
  • true
  • elif
  • while
  • assert
  • for
  • continue
  • raise
  • and
  • in
  • as
  • finally
  • not
  • global
  • del
  • try
  • except
  • nonlocal
  • class
  • pass

Identifiers in Python

Identifiers are the fundamental building blocks of a program that are used to identify names of different elements of the programs such as variable. These elements have specific properties that helps in making programs.

Guidelines for creating Identifiers in Python:
  • An identifier is an arbitrary sequence of letters in lower case (a to z) & upper case (A to Z), digits (0 to 9) and underscore (_).
  • The first character of the identifier must be a letter (a to z or A to Z) or underscore (_). It must not begin with digits (0-9).
  • An identifier must not be a 'keyword'.
  • An identifier must not contain any special character except underscore (_).
 Example of Valid Identifier:
  • _hello
  • _Hello
  • _HeLlo
  • hello_123 
  • _12
Example of Invalid Identifier along with the Reason:
1Hello : The name of the identifier should never start with a 'Number'.
@Hello : The name of the identifier should not contain any special character expect _ .
return : The name of the identifier should not be same as any of the keywords.

What is the main use of Python ?

Python is a general purpose and high level programming language. You can use Python for developing desktop GUI applications, websites and web applications. Also, Python, as a high level programming language, allows you to focus on core functionality of the application by taking care of common programming tasks.

Some of the benefits of programming in Python include:
  • Presence of Third Party Modules.
  • Extensive Support Libraries.
  • Open Source and Community Development.
  • Learning Ease and Support Available.
  • User-friendly Data Structures.
  • Productivity and Speed.

If you want more information about Python programming language, you can go to and read the article.

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  1. Thanks for this python article.

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