A protocol is a conversation or standard that regulates the operation of devices. It can be defined as the set of rules governing the syntax, semantics and synchronization of communications between hardware, software or both.
The primary protocol of internet is TCP/IP protocol which stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. TCP is meant for connection oriented transmission and IP is meant for connectionless transmission that represent logical address of the host machine, example http:// for accessing HTML documents, https:// for accessing 'Secure' HTML document.
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
It is a protocol that is used to display information on the World Wide Web. Its main purpose is to provide a way to display and retrieve HTML pages. It is a request/response protocol between clients and server.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
IT is a client/server protocol that helps in transferring or exchanging files between client and server. It may be authenticated with user names and passwords. Transferring files from client node to server is known as uploading while transferring files from server to client node is known as downloading.
To access FTP server; user must be connected with either internet or intranet with an FTP client programs. FTP client programs is a software that is a software that is developed to move files back and forth between two computers over the internet or intranet.
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