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5G Technology | What is 5G ?

 5G is the fifth generation of mobile networks. Think of 5G in such a way that 4G is 100 times the speed of the network. Like 4G, 5G is based on the same mobile programming principle.

5G network
Fifth generation voice technology is capable of delivering ultra low latency (signal speed between your phone and tower) and multi-Gbps data speeds.It is a software-based network, developed to increase the speed and functionality of wireless networks.This technique also increases data quantity, which can be transmitted to wireless networks.

5G technology forms the basis of five technologies

1. millimeter wave
2. Small Sales
3. Maximum MIMO
4. Beamforming
5. Full duplex

5 bases of 5G technology

The 5G technology is capable of operating in the "sub-6 band", with frequencies typically between 3Ghz-6Ghz. Most current devices like mobiles, tablets and laptops also operate in the same frequency, which has a very high reach.

Millimeter-wave 5G

The millimeter-wave 5G acquires a lot of data, which enables data transfer at speeds of up to 1 GB per second. Such technologies are currently being used in the US by telecom operators like Verizon and AT&T.

Speed ​​Sales

The second base of 5G technology is speed sales. The millimeter-wave has a problem with the range, which is compensated by the speed cells. Since the mm wave cannot work in interruptions, a large number of mini cell towers are installed throughout the area to relay signals from the main cell tower. 

These small cells are placed at a shorter distance than conventional towers so that users can get 5G signals without any interruption.

Maximum MIMO

The next basis of 5G technology is maximum MIMO, ie multiple-input and multiple output technology. Large cell towers are used to manage traffic using this technique. A regular cell tower which provides 4G network comes with 12 antennae that handle cellular traffic in that area.The MIMO 100 can support the antenna simultaneously which increases the tower's capacity when there is more traffic. With the help of this technique, it helps to deliver 5G signals easily.


Beamforming is a technique that can continuously monitor multiple sources of frequency and switch to another stronger and higher speed tower when one signal is blocked. This ensures that particular data goes only in a particular direction.

Full duplex

Full duplex is a technique that helps in transmitting and receiving data simultaneously in the same frequency band. Such technology is used in landline telephones and short wave radios. It is like a two-way street, which sends the same traffic from both sides.


However, due to high traffic in this system, researchers are now thinking of using above 6Ghz. 

He is set to work on 24Ghz-300Ghz spectrum which is considered high-band. 

Experts also call it millimeter-wave (mmWave).


5G network

Benefits of 5G Technology

Just think that you have downloaded a full HD movie within 3 seconds. 5G network is going to be so fast. According to Qualcomm, 5G is capable of delivering 20 GB per second speed in traffic capacity and network efficiency.Also with the mm wave, you can get latency of 1ms which helps to instantiate connections and reduce network traffic.This technology is going to be the foundation for virtual reality, automatic driving and the Internet of Things. This is not only going to improve the experience of using your smartphone, but will also help in the development of medical, infrastructure and even manufacturing.

Qualcomm President Cristiano Amon also believes that the 5G network will give such speed, which can make the experience of augmented reality in real time

This will also help in the development of hardware working on augmented reality.

5G Challenges

Bringing 5G technology is going to be very expensive. Network operators will have to remove the existing system as it requires a frequency greater than 3.5Ghz which is larger bandwidth than that used in 3G or 4G.

The bandwidth of the sub-6 Ghz spectrum is also limited, so its speed can be lower than the millimeter-wave.

In addition, the millimeter-wave is more effective in short distances and may not work in obstructions. It can also be observed by trees and during rain, which means that to implement 5G in a concrete way you will need to install a lot of hardware. 5G has been expanded but not according to people's expectations. According to GSMA Intelligence report, even under the current rate, 5G will not be able to overtake 3G and 4G by 2025.

Note:- India is going to launch a 5G network with the help of Google and Jio in 2021.

Today, in this website you have been told about the 5G network. About more information in Tech subjects Please subscribe and follow my Website. Thank you!


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