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Showing posts from August, 2020

Programming In Python | What is Python language ?

  We need to give instruction to the computer , to begin the process of solving problems or to accomplish certain tasks. A set of predefined instructions in logical manner makes up a program. One of the most important aspect of computer field is to make ' Programs '. A program is written in a computer language, like BASIC, ' C ', ' C++ ', Python , etc. A computer language consists of codes which are combined in accordance with a predefined syntax. that conveys the instruction to the components (ALU) of CPU. In this section, I am discuss about how to solve problems by developing simple programs with the help of the computer language; ' Python ' What is Python ?  Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. This language  Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991 . Python is a very simple and powerful language. It helps to create programs in computer. Python has involved into a useful language as it is simple ...

5G Technology | What is 5G ?

  5G is the fifth generation of mobile networks . Think of 5G in such a way that 4G is 100 times the speed of the network.  Like 4G, 5G is based on the same mobile programming principle. Fifth generation voice technology is capable of delivering ultra low latency (signal speed between your phone and tower) and multi-Gbps data speeds. It is a software-based network, developed to increase the speed and functionality of wireless networks . This technique also increases data quantity, which can be transmitted to wireless networks . 5G technology forms the basis of five technologies 1. millimeter wave 2. Small Sales 3. Maximum MIMO 4. Beamforming 5. Full duplex 5 bases of 5G technology The 5G technology is capable of operating in the "sub-6 band", with frequencies typically between 3Ghz-6Ghz. Most current devices like mobiles,  tablets and laptops also operate in the same frequency, which has a very high reach. Millimeter-wave 5G The millimeter-wave 5G acquires a lot of data...

Types of Network

Network in computer system Based upon geographical area, networks can be divided into three broad categories: LAN MAN WAN LAN (Local Area Network) : LAN is a type of network in which computers (nodes) are connected in a local unit or small geographical area, such as offices, department of a manufacturing unit, etc. The common connecting media used in LAN are cables, wi-fi etc. LANs are restricted in size and are convenient to handle. Characteristics of LAN: In LAN, data communication takes place at a rate of 100-1000 mbps. It is owned by an individual or an organization. It provides the user with an access to share several common hardware resources viz. computers, terminals, printers, server etc. There is no specific tariff for its usages. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) : Man is a type of network in which the computers are connected over large geographical area such as a city. It may be a single network or may be a network that connects several LANs. MAN may be operated by a single or...

Application of Computers

Application of Computers /Communication/  In the past, people used to communicate through letters, telephones etc. The advent of computers has made it possible to share or exchange information in real time i.e.  instant exchange of information, be it textual, Graphical or visual form any corner of the world in different ways:  Email : It enables to send the soft copy of letters, images or videos instantly to any user of a computer on the internet. Online Chatting : It helps to establish real time communication by exchanging the typed  instantly (Instant Messenger) on the computer. Such a facility has enabled communication groups between two or more people at the same time from far off locations thus forming newsgroups. Video Conferencing : It enables a live streaming of visual between two or more people through computers and the Internet . FTP : It enables to transfer files between computers which are connected in a network. Telnet: It is a facility which enables to ...

Protocol In Internet

  Protocol A protocol is a conversation or standard that regulates the operation of devices. It can be defined as the set of rules governing the syntax, semantics and synchronization of communications between hardware, software or both. The primary protocol of internet is TCP/IP protocol which stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. TCP is meant for connection oriented transmission and IP is meant for connectionless transmission that represent logical address of the host machine, example http:// for accessing HTML documents, https:// for accessing ' Secure ' HTML document. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) It is a protocol that is used to display information on the World Wide Web . Its main purpose is to provide a way to display and retrieve HTML pages. It is a request/response protocol between clients and server . File Transfer Protocol (FTP) IT is a client/server protocol that helps in transferring or exchanging files between client and server. It may be...

best antivirus software for windows 10

Before you know best antivirus software for windows 10 you must know about what is antivirus ? As there are medicines to keep healthy to fight against virus that infect our body, In the same way, in computers there are antivirus software which are used to clean unwanted programs from a computer system and prevent the attack of virus, helping in proper and smooth functioning of a computer system. Antivirus are remedial software that scan, detect, clean and remove virus from a computer system, some antivirus softwares also help to recover data. Once antivirus software is located in a computer, it prevents the attack of virus which is knows in its directory, it also keeps on informing about the attack of virus and its type. But if some new viruses get developed after the production/manufacturing of the loaded antivirus, then it may not be recognized by existing antivirus and therefore it would be unable to prevent or clean that virus. In that case the existing antivirus has to be upgraded...

What is Spyware ? | Full definition of Spyware in Simple Words

Spywares are programs which infect and collect information of the computers without the owner's knowledge or consent. A spyware generally infects a computer system by getting transmitted through internet, website, webpages, e-mails or through network of computers. It intrudes into a computer and silently steals the data of the computer.  In other words, it refers to that kind of software which can track the activities of a computer system and report to the users.  Keylogger is an example of a spyware. To prevent the attacks of spyware: Use anti-spyware (software) Avoid exploring the error dialogs on internet Avoid using free deal offers on internet Be sure of the authenticity of a desired program before installing in your computer. Note: spyware is a Human Threat.

What is Bluetooth ? | Tech and Education

Bluetooth is a wireless network connectivity that enables to connect or transfer data between devices over a short range like between mobile phones, laptops, personal computers , printers etc. The connectivity is based on radio waves technology & takes place through bluetooth dongle or inbuilt bluetooth service present in the devices like mobile.  The connectivity through Bluetooth consumes less power & the physical range of communication is upto 100 metres. Bluetooth communication is applied at many places like for bar code scanning, hands free headset, wireless connectivity of a PC with input and output devices. DO YOU KNOW ? 🤔🤔🤔 The Bluetooth specifications are developed and licensed by the Bluetooth special Interest Group (SIG). IEEE standard for Bluetooth is IEEE 802.15.1 .

What is Trojan Horse ? | Tech and Education

What is Trojan Horse ? Definition Trojans are infectious program which is silently infect the computer and corrupt the files of a host computer. Such a games, but unlike worms they don't replicate themselves. They are active inside the computer when the user is busy interacting with the entertaining programs or with interface like computer games. Some examples of Trojans are Linux Wifatch , Infostealer.kronbank , etc. Trojan horses are often used by Hackers as they can enter into the database of a computer system under the guise of some entertaining package. The term " backdoor " is often used for Trojan Horse . The users interacts with the programs and simultaneously the infection takes place behind the interactive interface. Once a trojan horse has infected a computer system, it becomes easier for a hacker to operations and steal important information from the infected computer. To prevent a 'Trojan Horse' Virus from entering and infecting a computer it is advis...